Saturday, August 25

I Feel Like I'm in a Mosquito Farm

AARRGGHH!!! I've already killed 3 mosquitoes tonight in my room! You know the type that sucks your blood and hangs around dark clothing? And then when I moved to my bed, I see the 'water' type of mosquito (or is it a fly?) flying around there. Out-*&@!%&!-rageous! I don't understand why my room is such a hub for these stupid things. Is there a convention going on in my room that I don't know of? But even if there was, the banners would've been too small for me anyway right? (says some smart aleck reading my blog this late in the night/early in the morning).

Thats not it... every single night for the past 1 week, these little buggers have been disturbing the holyness out of me. GAAAAHHHH!!! I need a break from these flies!!


  1. Get a vaporiser or something man. We're living close to the jungle so insects are like a given haha

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Why double post? Scared I don't get the point is it? haha...

  4. Haha sorry man, my internet's a bit wonky. Its like my phone line is dead but somehow Streamyx is still on. Very unstable but there anyhow haha


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