Monday, August 13

Open Your Ears and Come Closer

If you you have brothers or sisters, listen up

Can you please stop being such an uncivilized narcissistic hypocrite and start treating your siblings with respect and love regardless of age, character and personality?

I am sick of seeing people who can't even love their sister yet can dare to say they love their boyfriend. Can do everything for this guy who doesn't even come from the same womb and have the same blood, but can't even just give in a little to the one that did. What is up with you people? We are in families to love and care for each one of them, not fight and bicker over who drives the car, who gets the dress or whatever else you people can fight about.

Worst part? So called Christian. Not asking you to crucify yourself for the world's sins la.. Expecting you to be the more matured one and give in to your little sister also cannot?

Can give everything to your boyfriend. He ask for kisses, can. Hugs, can. Money, can. Understanding, can. Politeness, can. Time, can. Then after a few months (years if you're lucky), dump you for another?

Your sister want to borrow your dress for one night to her prom? CANNOT!
Your brother asks you to help him out with some work? NO TIME!

Why can't you just be a little bit more generous and give your little brothers and sisters a break?

"No! I am older, I have certain rights and privileges"
Please la... It's your right and privilege to give, understand?

So if you terasa by what I'm saying, don't come find me and throw rocks at my front gate. Please go and start loving and caring for your siblings like you should have been doing since they were born.


  1. I thought you were gonna say, "...don't come find me and throw rocks at ME."

    Throw rocks at your front gate for what?

    So i'm guessing you're a very nice older brother, huh?

    Sigh. So nice. I jeles. I want.

  2. i agree with you.

    Sometimes I get so pissed off when I see elder siblings bullying their younger ones; especially when they are old enough to grip on to some moral values.

    I do plead guilty to bullying my brother when I was way younger, but I am glad it didn't take me too long to smarten up.

    Now, after being away from him for so long, I am even wishing he moves in with me next year.

    Love thy siblings, everyone!

  3. Well, I'd say I'm guilty of said offences sometimes. Not all the time, but sometimes. Especially when your siblings take you for granted. When they expect you to help just because you are their older brother or sister. I mean, its true that we should love our younger siblings but honestly they can get annoying sometimes.

  4. got ur address from petrina's blog.
    i think i'm a nice enough sister...
    i give my bro fashion advice...girl advice...and today i just washed OUR bathroom that we used together and HE dirties.
    so yea... i'm a very good sister.

  5. (Petrina)
    I was pretty bad when my sister just came out, but I smarten up quickly. I guess having loving grandparents and uncle helps.

    Its amazing how we share almost every viewpoint.. haha..

    Don't be fooled guys, Marcus is a very nice brother. I see him and his sister all the time. He's just being humble

    Hey, thanks for dropping by. I think you sound like my sister (the washing toilet part) but other than that, I'm glad you are. Thank God for sisters like you =)

  6. Just like how having loving and romantic parents who go on dates every week led me to believing that i will marry man whom i can be loving and romantic with even til our senior citizen years. hehehehehe...

    LOVE - Such a beautiful thing to have faith in. :)

  7. Those are the kind of things that do keep me believing in relationships. Parents would be an interesting topic to talk about next *frowns eyebrows in deep thought*


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