Friday, August 17


In Hall 2, GSC Mid Valley, Love is Cinta, the stupidest movie of the year, is reaching its half point mark when suddenly

*du du du du du du du du du du du du duuuu*

(at the top of his voice)

"Ah ya?? Hellu? Takpe, boleh cakap. Ok you klik home server... Takpe, I tunggu.."

"Siapa tu bang?!", the bastard's girl asks

"Takde la, Lin saje.. U nak cakap tak?!"

"Ok ok... Ahh Lin! Hi!"

"SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!", your humble narrator hissed

"Bukan bukan! You pergi home server, pas tu..", the chicken pie continues, ignoring all basic etiquette and common sense

"SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!", your pissed but still patient narrator hissed again

"..... AH! Ok Ok, betoi! Okok, you klick tu skrang!", louder than before

He finally leaves to continue his conversation outside.

What a noble man. Felt the obligation to let all of us know about his friend who apparently doesn't know how to access its home server. We salute you, O hero of civilization!


I guess it takes about 15 minutes for people like him to realize that:
a) he's at a cinema
b) remember that cinemas are for watching movies and people shouldn't be talking out loud over their phones

If he was able to get through all those tough steps, it would take another 10 minutes for his puny brain to communicate to the rest of the body to get up and leave.

Let me ask you, my wonderful readers, what do you do when you get a call in the cinema? I'm sure you either don't pick it up, or walk out to answer.
Know why? Because you're not re~tar~ded...

Visit Malaysia Year 2007, haven for retards and the like

p.s. Am I the only one who feels that the Digi Cinema Ad with the Chinese Ah Beng talking loudly on his phone is extremely racist?


  1. I guess ever since you get into Film&TV you'll be watching every possible movie showing in the cinema eh? Haha.. that movie sounded like some stupid show even when is referring to the title itself = = typical malay movie. A waste of money to watch these sort of show in cinema = =

  2. Racist? Yeah. But I don't have a problem with it. It kinda plays into the stereotype that we love to hate anyways (The Ah Bengs/La la Chai's and what not). But I mean it wouldn't be funny if it were a Malay dude or an Indian dude. That story though was funny. Everyone should've boo-ed him outta that cinema. I think everyone else was retarded haha. Perfect opportunity man...

  3. I will pick up the phone and I will whisper to that someone saying that I am in the cinema. Am I wrong?

  4. Have you seen the part 2 of that Digi ad?

    If you haven't then...
    Yeah, there's a part 2. hahah...

  5. Yeah I saw part 2. You guys should've done that man! Lost chance sighhhh

  6. this is on the things I don't miss from Malaysia.

    I have never encountered something like that in Canada, whereas in Malaysia, the ratio per movie is about 1 to 1.

    And once, some woman's phone went off, she was even apologetic, and said sorry three times.

    sigh, Malaysia Boleh! The question remains as to what can we do...

  7. (Vic)
    Don't even get me started on the movie, but for the record, watching the movie was not my idea --->

    Saw it aredi.. he's in the cinema all beaten up.

    The rest of the cinema was retarded too I guess. And I was the only one shhsing.

    Well, as long as it doesn't bother the rest, this guy was talking like he's at the mamak

    Malaysia will never change, thats what I'm convinced of.. hahaha...


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