Tuesday, July 8

meet the bitch

The Tan's bitch - Pretty the Poodle - is very, very cute.

So I had to take some pictures of Joyce's new do. First thing on my mind was "oh my god, under my umbrella betoi"... But it's a nice change considering that I have to put her through torture each time I have my random hair style changes at the whim of the chick that cuts my hair.

On to more important things.

Before I forget, if you're sick and tired of the shit on radio, please do yourself a favor and go listen to the The Raveonettes.

Ok, on to the important thing.

I think my self imposed "interestingness meter" is really kicking my blog in the nuts. Nothing seems to get published nowadays. It's getting worst that I was at Urbanscapes last week with my camera and did not take a single picture. I met tons of people there though. Yes, I'm looking at you and you and you and you (and he saw me there).

I think I'm bored. Maybe a change of pace would help. Disappearing off, starting all over, new people, new surroundings, new things to wake up excited for in the morning. There's just too much politics going on and I'm not even talking about anwar or mahathir here.

So I'm working on something new, a pet project. It might work, might not. We'll see if that does anything to stir this cesspool of a creativity.


  1. thanks for the pictures.. :) very nice, pretty look good too. luv ya!

  2. Well.... All the best in everything you do. God bless.

  3. bila free? come lets go buy dslr. :D

  4. jordan: Jordan Quah? Hey man, how are things?

    smash: Is that a date? haha.. anyway, why suddenly? I thought you're happy with your alpha

  5. hahahahhahaha and he saw me HAHHAHAHHAA

  6. “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.”

  7. mysimiliarlynamedfriend: Have we ever met before in person? I'm pretty sure it was during some church event a few years back. Next time come and say hi la...

    chris: Currently I'm looking into "breaking rules" and "making mistakes", hopefully "have fun" in the process. But creativity is at a down low for me. When I most need it sadly.

  8. i mean.. lets go and YOU buy an slr. ahahha


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