Monday, September 8

summer showers

Washing In The Rain
Washing Your Car In The Rain

I had a wonderful experience recently. Washing the car in the rain.

You know those light drizzles? Holding your umbrella in one hand and the scrub in the other? That's my alien looking scrubber I bought for my car by the way. And if you're wondering, yes, it does make me feel cool while cleaning the Uncleanable.

(I really wanted to name it something attractive like Denzel or Mr T or Chubby Mc Chubby... but looks like it really is the Uncleanable)

I don't really remember what's my point. But I'm happy to report that I am now officially obsessed with cleaning even the slightest bit of dirt from it. It's almost like I'm reading from the car bible - love thy car as thyself. Which if you haven't heard, I just made it up.


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