Wednesday, April 25

O My Whiny Little Heels

Maybe I should comment about my inadequacy to make people love me for who I am. So not to end up sounding like a whiny bastard, I will try to keep this as straight as possible.

This is not a retaliation, it is a admission.

Everyone is plagued by their own weaknesses. But more often than not, we have, what some guy came up with a long long time ago, an Achilles heel. Well, I will not try to analyze and write a whole thesis on mine, but the fact is that I do have quite a big Achilles heel. And I think that it came up about just 2 years ago. What an eventful year, but thank God, everything is over and dealt with. Hell, everyone is even happier now. But I think I brought along with me some souvenirs from that place.

So it turns out that I have made much much more mistakes than I originally thought I did. Seriously, its like a miscalculation of mistaking 100 for 1. And so the struggle begins. Trying to be the kind of servant that forgave his debtors because his master forgave his first. Its hard when you take into consideration that there are such a thing as rights. Thats where the struggle kicks in. The longer you live with your faith, the longer you realize that we, in actuality, do not have any rights.

Sounds hard to accept, but the bible says something that kind of puts all of this into perspective. Summoning all my wisdom (not alot), the bible tells us that we are saved by what Jesus did on the cross. He died in our place and ended up taking our place to receive the punishment that we so deserved as sinners. So we are saved by accepting Jesus not by our good works (or whatever we could do ), but by the thing that he did on the cross.

Knowing that well in my head, and putting 1 and 1 together, if I would to fight for my rights, I would ultimately deserve hell too. Not something I'm partial for.

After all that paragraphs, it still doesn't explain the main thing thats on my mind. Why is it so hard to make people love you for who you are? Even if you do end up being a shitty person along the way. I do not demand for love because I think I deserve it. I have never dared to think so. But I did wonder why can't I expect unconditional love from people for the times that I do stumble?

The answer is pretty simple. Too simple and cliché for my taste though. But who can deny the truth?

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