Saturday, April 21

The Price That I'm Willing To Pay For A Genuine Microsoft Vista Business Edition (UPDATEDx2)

RM 5 is the max. And it seems that someone from Microsoft must be reading my mind cause thats exactly what I'm paying for a bona fide Windows Vista Business Edition. How you ask?

I was talking to a friend today, who happened to move in to KDU just when I was leaving, and told me that Microsoft was promoting their new OS at college since Friday. Told me something about Home Basic going for RM 50. That is one hell of a deal considering its retail price is RM 700+

I grabbed the phone and immediately dialed Hana's mobile. We used to be classmates and she's a Microsoft Ambassador now at KDU. So a no-brainer. Picked up the phone, had the customary how are yous which I then swiftly proceeded to ask the question.

"So I heard about the promo at KDU. RM 50 for Vista Home Basic?"
"Ha? No la. It's RM 5 for Business Edition"

Slowly picking up my ears from the floor, I sealed the deal and asked her to book one for me.

The good news was that this promo is for DIMT students (IT School). Bad news was, I just unregistered last 2 weeks. But no biggie, got my good ol' friend (Victoria, if you're reading this, I mean it =P) to let me buy it through her since she's still there. Settled!

Why am I so interested in Vista?
I love shiny new toys. Might not be using it for real work, but I always love installing the latest Windows and just playing around with it. Anyway, it makes you remember why you're using a mac in the first place.

I managed to get another friend to let me buy it through him. So I have 2 copies waiting for me now. The Malaysian kiasu side of me is coming out... must.. suppress... it..

Well, its all up to my friends to pick it up for me now that the copies are in KDU. Feel bad for disturbing my friends over there. Honestly, there's no rush since I don't have a computer that could run it anyway.


  1. Man, 5 bucks for Vista? That's the price for a packet of chicken rice near my house...the really expensive and luxurious one, with chicken thigh and roasted pork...

    Haha, that's what Windows is to me now, a packet of chicken rice, haha...

  2. I think Microsoft desperate to curb piracy among students, thats why so cheap. Kinda feel pity for the ones who are spending almost $1,000 on it. After conversion, I'm paying US$1.461. Muahahaha...

  3. LoL, get me one too~! The business one got aero right haha

  4. Yup, thats why its such a big deal for me. My friend still haven't called me to pick up yet. Hope its not some stupid Microsoft publicity stunt that'll leave me without my promised copies.

  5. dude.. this is so weird....! you wanna install vista just for fun?! and buying two copies??


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