Friday, June 29

Ikeafied, Amateur Acting, Big *bleeping* Robots and Funny Penguins

Last week was an incredibly exciting week. Drama, romance, comedy and action - onto my life!
*Caution - Long Post Ahead*

The Room
Just finished repainting my room and refurnishing it last weekend. Will be posting up pictures when I get it all together properly. There's still a lot of stuff lying around and not packed. But its been 1 week sleeping on a normal bed after 5 years of sleeping on a bunker (bed on top, table underneath) and so far I'm getting used to it nicely.

Visual Comm Assignment Finished... 1 Week Early
Accidently finished an assignment 1 week early. I forgot and got confused along the way, and finished my Visual Comm assignment this week where I'm suppose to just give my drafts. Classmates must be thinking what an idiotic show-off I am...

Film Studies Presentation on The Hours
Me, Petrina, Chin Yee and Suet Yen were in the same group for our Film Studies' first assignment and boy did we decided to put our heads on the line this early in the game. It was suppose to be a normal presentation, but I had this superb idea - instead of just going up in front of the class and present our analysis of the characters, why not lets give the class the characters themselves? So we dressed up to the characters and did the presentation completely in first-person. I dressed up as Richard, which is a homosexual HIV patient who killed himself in the end. Yeah, I'm still thinking how ballsey we all were in coming in front of the class like that.

Kit Kat Competition
This came as a total surprise for me. I entered completely for fun, cause I know I have zero chance to win anything and now I'm in the final eight. Jangan jeles Prakash. I'm grateful that I have so many friends who would take the trouble. Not everyone voted, but no problem, thanks for dropping by anyways.

I was so convinced that I would leave the cinema disappointed. There's just too many flops this season. Spiderman 3, Pirates 3, Shrek 3. All big budget, all big names, all disappointing. After 2+ hours, I left totally blown away.

I grew up with the cartoons, the toys action figures - hell, I even had more than one Optimus Prime. I was bred on Transformers dammit! My expectations was high, I really really hoped that Michael Bay wouldn't screw this up for us, the fans... It didn't help when he said earlier that he was never a fan and was actually not interested in directing it, but taking it for some reason in the end. The early art shots of the "redesigned" autobots and decepticons was utterly shocking for me. They were made to look like aliens and Megatron has a stupid looking face like he just ate assam, all puckered up...

But now that I've watched the show, I am relieved and happy. I loved everything about the movie, the special effects, animations, humor (thanks to Shea LeBouf) despite the shaky storyline and lame ending (hoping for a final showdown between Prime and Megatron).

Superb! Mr Bay, you will be getting another RM10 from this fan.

The Penguin
Finally got to spending some quality time with my other half. We're spending lesser and lesser time together recently, I'm busy with my college/freelancing/church while she's been busy with work. We never have a perfect time slot, so when we do spend time, its always something special and memorable. Will miss her terribly when she leaves to Australia in a week's time.

1 comment:

  1. No worries, I tak Jeles ! But if you win just bring me out for a good meal la ok...hehehe


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